The Belasco Team
Missionaries to Spain

Donate to our Ministry
We receive 100% of any donations sent to us. If you would like to donate to our ministry to help us evangelize Spain and start Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches, there are a couple of ways you can do that. The most common way is through the BBFI Missions Service Center. You can send a donation by mail to the address at the bottom of the page, or they can also process your donation online by following the instructions on the right and clicking the following link.
Online Giving Instructions
Click the blue DONATE button to the left.
This will direct you to the BBFI webpage with our picture on it. Click the DONATE icon on that page.
For first time users you will need to get registered. Click INDIVIDUAL, CHURCH or BUSINESS to get started.
Fill out the information page. If you have given to our ministry before you will have a donor number, otherwise, leave it blank. When you finish you will be sent back to our page again, and just click DONATE again.
On this page enter the amount and then determine if it will be a regular or given to a special project.
If you wish to make a recurring gift click on the scheduled gifts in the menu bar.
The rest is self-explanatory.
You will receive an immediate email receipt when you are done and a receipt for tax purposes at the end of the year.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to email us.